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3D Printing 2: Advanced 3D printing with the Stratasys Objet Printer

July 28, 2019 11:00 am - 1:00 pm HexLab Makerspace, Chattsworth, CA

In this class you will learn how to operate a Stratasys brand Objet30 Prime 3D printer. This printer offers a wealth of exciting materials and printing resolution as low as 16 microns!

What’s next after FDM, plastic layer deposit 3D printers? How about a next-level, professional quality 3D printer? This class will teach you how to safely and smartly use Hexlab’s Stratsys Objet 3D printer. With this printer small, detailed projects like jewelery and machine parts become possible. It prints over 10x the resolution of a desktop FDM ad solves many of the setup issues that plague even top end FDM printers. Of course, the machine and the materials it uses are much more expensive, so this class will cover how to set up your work piece with as little waste as possible.


18 and up (exceptions can be made for ages 15-17 that are interested, and 12+ are ok if they attend with a parent)


$70 General Admissions. To purchase a ticket visit our event page here:


MEMBERS: be sure to use your monthly discount code to redeem your 30% discount!



To ensure that spaces aren’t taken up by people who wont be able to make their classes, there are NO REFUNDSoffered for any of our official classes (this may or may not include classes organized by 3rd parties which are hosted in our space). If you are not able to make it to a class please contact us and we will credit you for a space in another class.

MEMBERS MUST CHECK THEIR EMAIL FOR THE MONTHY DISCOUNT CODE. If a member buys a class ticket without entering the correct discount code we are not able to retroactively apply the discount. Codes are sent out every month and member discounts are not applied without manually inputting the code. If you are at all unsure about the discount code or discount process please contact us before buying a ticket.